Garlic with the scientific name Allium sativum including the genus of plants of the genus allium. Garlic including plant classification terna entrenched usage layers or cloves and stately). Garlic grow by berumpun and stand up to as high as 30 -75 cm, have barcode facades that formed from the willows of the leaf. Small pieces of foliage similar ribbon shaped flat and linear.
The womb substances that are found in Garlic
Garlic contains essential oil industry, which is anti-bacteria and antiseptics. The womb allicin and aliin related with anti-power to prevent cholesterol coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and others. In addition also, fennel garlic method for some substances including :
- Calcium : is calm so that suitable as hypertension prevention.
- Saltivine : can accelerate the growth of cells and tissues and stimulate the order of nerve cells.
- The disulfida Diallysulfide, alilpropil : anti-worm.
- Sulfur
- Protein
- Fat
- Phosphorus
- Iron
- Vitamin A, B1 and C.
- Saltivine : can accelerate the growth of cells and tissues and stimulate the order of nerve cells.
- The disulfida Diallysulfide, alilpropil : anti-worm.
- Sulfur
- Protein
- Fat
- Phosphorus
- Iron
- Vitamin A, B1 and C.
The Benefits of Garlic For Health
1. Controlling body weight
body weight is the classic problem from down until now become a problem for some people, associated with this there are the research using mice as by scoring materials. The result that mice fed garlic experience weight loss, while other mice given to eat of the fruit of the others experienced in other words body weight.
2. Bird Flu drugs and cough
sulfur contained in garlic make it has a distinctive smell and taste can improve and accelerate the mucous membranes activities in the respiratory tract, which help the breasts clogging and produce mucus. Raw garlic contains phytochemical that can help to kill bacteria and viruses cause diseases.
In 1992, researchers from the University of Brigham Young in Utah reported that garlic in oil beaten kill not only kills rhinivirus type 2 (cause flu umun), but also kill 2 kinds of herpes (skin diseases infectious diseases) and some other common virus.
3.Ease of diabetes
As we explain on the opportunities and that diabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar cannot be converted into energy for the body cannot produce insulin in serum which is enough. Garlic is known to help and stimulate the body to produce more insulin until can change blood sugar into energy and ease of diabetes.
4.Prevent cancer
30 percent of families of eve is estimated gets cancer, while men as much as 50 percent. This number of course is very an alarming rate following because cancer is one of the many diseases cause the death of man. Fortunately current findings stated that those who consume garlic as much as 1 or 2 times a week can reduce the risk of cancer doubled compared with those who never consume garlic in every week.
5.Reduce the danger of free radicals
free radicals is a compound that is in every one of the human body, this is a serious problem if the compounds accumulate in the body. Garlic works as a natural antioxidant that can reduce and prevent the accumulation of compounds.
6.Control cholesterol
40 percent adult human recorded have a serious problem with high blood cholesterol. If this is left then can form plaque that is blocking the blood circulation and cause a heart attack. Garlic has been proven in medical can reduce LDL by 20 percent.
7.Lower high blood pressure
high blood if not immediately addressed and can cause heart attack and stroke. Garlic is known to lower blood pressure up to 5 percent, besides garlic is also believed to be able to reduce the risk of stroke in a person until 40 percent
This is the exposure of the womb and the benefits of Garlic, hopefully useful